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Connor Lyons
Oct 14, 20213 min read
(Almost) Live on Kickstarter - Final Countdown
We've been a little quiet the past few weeks, but don't worry it's not because anything is wrong or things aren't moving. In fact, it's...
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Connor Lyons
Sep 4, 20212 min read
WAR family reunion
WAR's family is getting bigger by the day, and just wanted to give a little insight to our team, and give a shoutout to people that we...
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Connor Lyons
Aug 16, 20213 min read
Kickstarter, FYI what we're thinking
Hey everyone, it's been an exciting month for us and we wanted to share with you where things are. We just approved proofs from the...
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Connor Lyons
Jul 22, 20212 min read
Final Push, getting to production
For Kickstarter we will have 3,000 units on hand, which are the first editions of World Auto Racing. That's the plan and we're on...
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Connor Lyons
Jul 9, 20212 min read
Smell this, there's something off
We're gearing up for the home stretch before you are all able to get your hands on the very first World Auto Racing cards, and they are...
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Connor Lyons
Jun 16, 20212 min read
Card backs are forever, forever, forever
Here it is, our totally perfect, good for the next 100 years, would never change a thing card back: Well, that's maybe overstating it a...
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Connor Lyons
May 17, 20213 min read
6 months togo letsgoooooo
We know you're anxious to see this come out, so are we. Maybe you've been following us since we started this project 4 years ago. Maybe...
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Connor Lyons
Apr 13, 20212 min read
Fonts! Which one? None.
Here it is, the font that will be used in the text boxes of our game. Recognize it? You don't, unless you happen to be the person that...
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Connor Lyons
Mar 29, 20212 min read
Racing is back, let's go fast
It was a long winter. We've been cooped up all winter long, keeping our friends and family safe while we patiently wait to get back out...
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Connor Lyons
Mar 24, 20213 min read
Victor Hugo, World Auto Racing's angel investor
Here's a story about why Victor Hugo is World Auto Racing's favorite author. After quite a few trips to Kinko's and playtesting we had...
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Connor Lyons
Mar 21, 20213 min read
WAR, what is it good for (and why you'll want to play it)
Beautiful art, exciting and unique gameplay, crafted for serious gamers and casual alike. World Auto Racing (WAR) has been in development...
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Connor Lyons
Mar 16, 20212 min read
Blog #1 Making dreams, the origins of World Auto Racing
A new year meant a new resolution in 2017. I set out to find a hobby I enjoyed that paid minimum wage. The first attempt was to find, buy...
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